Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Yes, it's time to Rejoice and do a happy dance today.  It took a year, but my Allietare quilt top is finished!
Allietare quilt top - 84x84 

Allietare was Bonnie Hunter's 2016 Quiltville Winter Mystery, and it's a beauty.  At the time she published the clues for the mystery my scrap bins were pretty low on options.  So, I shopped my stash for fabrics. There was enough yardage of the right colors in the stash to make a half-size Allietare using constant rather than scrappy colors.

Since I have at least four Bonnie Hunter quilt tops in the pile that still need to be quilted, I thought half size sounded good enough for me.  After borders, it actually turned out much larger than I anticipated.  It will fit the full size bed in the guest room perfectly!

It's a new favorite!  It may be some time before it's quilted though. I seem to always be more interested in piecing than in quilting.  But let's count 7.5 yards of fabric used already this year and 0 new yards purchased.  Off to a good start I'd say.

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