Keeping the enthusiasm to quilt up the pile of quilt tops pieced last year has been tough, but I'm still working at it. This past week I finished quilting Scrappy Star. The pattern is from "Toppers" by Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith and published by Possibilities Quilt of Denver, Colorado in 1998. I found the book at the police department auxiliary's annual book sale last June. (or maybe the year before...)
Scrappy Stars 86 inches square |
The main body was quilted in vertical rows with the walking foot, but there was fun to be had with free-motion borders. The blue border has fish, the red border has stars and the green border has Baptist fans.
This was such a great quilt for using up scraps from my 5-inch and 2.5-inch bags. I sure thought it would make a bigger dent in those than it did. Isn't that always the case? I even expanded the size from the original 6 blocks to 16.
Sometimes I feel like my scrap bags are magic - you can take out as much as you want, but the bag will still always be full! Even Harry Potter would be amazed.
My Bonnie Hunter "Grand Illusion" was sandwiched and pinned this weekend. Look for that one to be finished next.