Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Silver Anniversary Quilt: London

London Square

The next series of blocks for the Anniversary Quilt represent places we have traveled and visited.  In honor of the 2012 Olympic games in London, lets start with our visits there.  What great memories the photos from the Olypmic sites bring back!

The first block is London Square.  Quilters Cache has a great pattern here.  Only two colors!  I liked the dark blues which reminded me of crossing the ocean and of time spent along the English Channel.

London Crossroads

A second London Block is London Roads, sometimes called London Crossroads.  Here is the link for that block on Quilters Cache.  I have seen it done in several versions.  Some use multiple colors and highlight the arrows in the pattern.  Others use just two colors.  Some change the color of the corner pieces and instead of arrows, your eye sees the buildings.  I chose greys for the English fog and yellow to highlight the buildings.  I needed a darker looking block to contrast with others nearby which had a white background.  There are so many possibilities for this block! 

Make one to celebrate the Olympic Games.  Go for the Gold!

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