Today I pin basted three small quilts to work on. If I can get them quilted I'll really feel like I've accomplished something!
The Patch Pals quilts are coming along. I've pulled fabric and will start piecing the squares together over the weekend as well. Sly Fox is first on the list because I'm having trouble finding just the right grey color for Rascal Raccoon. I have one fabric that I like, but don't think there's enough. And no chance of getting more. It's way too 'deep stash' for that!
The Lake Association picnic is this weekend, and I feel so bad that I haven't made a quilt for a door prize this year. I do have a good excuse if anyone cares. Two queen quilts finished for family weddings by June 1st, with one more to go this month, plus baby quilts for my niece's twins due in machine has been humming on those projects whenever I've had spare time. If I can get the Sunshine and Shadows table runner quilted, I could donate that one (upper left in the photo.) If not, I have a backup plan....
Last night I embroidered this cute bug jar on a tote bag (from Michael's crafts). Since I used the yellow bag, I skipped the yellow glow on the fireflies. The stabilizer behind the jar gives it a lighter background. The embroidery download can be found at Urban Threads. Their embroidery patterns are for both machine and hand embroidery. Sometimes Urban Threads is a little too 'skulls and tatoos' for me, but they also have lovely simple embroidery patterns that are cute, clever, and stitch up quickly - like this one.
The tote bag should make a nice door prize. What are your quilty plans for the weekend?