What to do???
On my 'design wall' this week is a decision. If the decision is 'Go for it!" then I have to design a quilting presentation, and get everything ready.
I've been asked by the Bloomington MN Historical Society to give a quilting demonstration at the upcoming Heritage Days on September 15th. They have suggested demonstrating and talking about quilting in the early days - in costume - outdoors from noon to 6pm. That's 6 hours of demonstrating hand quilting - which I. have. never. done. And it needs to be interactive. And I have two days to decide and 10 days to get it all together. Budget - Zero. I've always machine pieced and quilted, and though I have done hand sewing as a child, I have no hope of my hand quilting work passing inspection.
Yarn tied scrap quilt made about 1983
(my 4th quilt I think) |
On the other hand, I do have a quilting frame - several styles in fact - and do know a lot about quilting which I would love to share. I have two quilts that are yarn tied from my early quilting days, and many that are machine quilted. Queen, twin, lap, baby and doll quilts that I wouldn't be too embarrassed to show. And I have some hand pieced Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks that were made by my friend's mother that I could display.
I have a log cabin sampler quilt top made that I wasn't entirely happy with. I could pull it out of the UFO pile, find some batting and a back, and put it up on the quilt frame for people to 'practice' hand quilting on. Maybe make up a coloring page for kids to color quilt blocks and see how different color choices make the blocks look different? Or cut up poster board in squares and triangles to make 'puzzles' so kids can design quilt blocks?
What should I do? Jump in with both feet and do my best, or say 'No.'?
Linking up with
Judy's Design Wall Monday for advice. Help me decide and leave a comment. Thanks!